Shriek Show - Edinburg Castle Kate Shields & Abby Gehlhausen
This week we are traveling abroad to Scotland where the Edinburgh Castle is located. It was built in 1103 and is the most attacked castle in Britain, having encountered 23 attacks throughout its history. Inside, the castle houses the country’s crown jewels, serves as a prison and barracks and has protected the Royal Family during times of unrest. The castle has withstood many different things throughout its over 900 years of existence. With all the history, comes many lingering spirits.
One of the most famous paranormal encounters happens in a network of tunnels under the castle. When they discovered these, they sent a man with bagpipes down to hear the location. They stopped hearing them about halfway through the tunnels and a rescue party was sent. Unfortunately, the man was never seen again. The tunnel was then resealed and people can sometimes hear the faint sound of bagpipes when walking on the royal mile.
Another one of the most famous ghosts goes by the name “The Grey Lady”. She is dressed like a 16th-century noblewoman and can be seen in the older parts of the castle either walking around or weeping. Many believe this to be Janet Douglas, a woman accused of witchcraft by a vengeful King James V who took his grudge against her brother out on her. She was burned at the stake in 1537. Others think it could be Marie de Guise, the Catholic mother, and regent of Mary Queen of Scots. When she died in June 1560 her corpse was kept at the castle for months, wrapped in cloth, and kept in a lead coffin. Protestant nobles finally allowed her remains to be shipped home to France, but many think her spirit remains.